Don’t Fall for Chimney Scams

12 years ago

Has the cold weather reminded you to schedule that gas fireplace repair? When you place a service call, you could…

Ultra High-End European Fireplace & Wood Stove Installation

12 years ago

At Dr. Flue, we have been known for our quality chimney services and for providing excellent fireplace and wood stove…

The Chimney Sweep: A History

12 years ago

The first chimneys were built around 1200 in Britain, where they replaced an open fire in the middle of the…

Chimney Cleaning in Michigan and Ohio

12 years ago

Winter is coming to Michigan and Ohio very soon.  Are you ready?  Have you contacted Doctor Flue, inc. about your…

The Stack Effect & Your Chimney

12 years ago

The Stack Effect:  Also called the Chimney Effect.  It refers to the movement of air into and out of buildings,…

Houses Need to Breathe – Get Help from Michigan Chimney Sweeps

12 years ago

Michgan chimney sweeps at Doctor Flue, inc. have been receiving a lot of questions about sick homes and negative air…

Is Poor Air Quality Making Your Home Sick?

12 years ago

The average American spends about 90 percent of their time inside, according to the EPA, and the agency says exposure…

Doctor Flue Donates to the Living Water Mission

12 years ago

There is a global water crisis faced by a billion of world's people:  a crisis that claims lives through disease…

Don’t Get Burned by a Fire! Schedule a Chimney Inspection

12 years ago

All too often, Dr. Flue is called to help clean up a chimney fire.  This is not something we look…

Top Three Functions of a Chimney Relining in Michigan Homes

12 years ago

When is the last time the liner on your chimney was inspected?  Is your chimney liner in good shape?  Regular…