Don’t Get Burned by a Fire! Schedule a Chimney Inspection

All too often, Dr. Flue is called to help clean up a chimney fire.  This is not something we look forward too; chimney fires are messy and expensive, and many times, preventable. Not sure how to get started with prevention? Schedule your chimney inspection!

The sad fact is that many homeowners simply do not understand how important it is to have their chimney inspected on a regular basis.  A chimney inspection can prevent costly damage and, more importantly, provide a homeowner with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that their chimney is clean and ready for use.

Dr. Flue is unique in this area when it comes to chimney service because every truck that gets sent out is manned by a CSIA-Certified Chimney Sweep.  Using the latest technology, these experts will thoroughly inspect your chimney.

Certified Professionals Complete Your Chimney Inspection

When a homeowner requests a chimney inspection from Dr. Flue, they can expect a certified professional who uses the latest video inspection equipment for chimneys to thoroughly check for any issues or problems that may come up. Our professionals will thoroughly examine the interior of your chimney to ensure it is in good condition, while also noting any potential problems with the lining or interior of the chimney.

Of course, it is not just individuals getting ready for the winter season who should seriously consider a chimney inspection. Individuals throughout Michigan and Ohio can rely on Dr. Flue for a thorough inspection of the chimney on any potential new home purchase or if they are considering installing new appliances.

Masonry repairs and water damage are also reasons to consider hiring a qualified chimney service. If you’re interested in a chimney inspection for insurance, rest assured that the chimney service provided by Dr. Flue will inform you of any potential problems.

We’ll Come to You! Chimney Inspections & Cleaning

Residents of Ann Arbor, Jackson, Dearborn, Canton, and Toledo have all come to rely on Dr. Flue and their staff of certified chimney sweeps to provide them with top-quality chimney service and chimney inspections at a reasonable price.

No matter why you’re interested in a chimney inspection, it pays to hire the experts at Dr. Flue. Before the weather gets cold again, a full-service chimney inspection can go a long way towards saving you money and unnecessary stress.

Contact Doctor Flue

The CSIA-certified experts here at Doctor Flue offer chimney services and products in Michigan and Ohio and can inspect your chimney and help close it for the season. Contact us today! We’ll get you set up right away, so you can have peace of mind.


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