Categories: Tips & Safety

Get Prepared!

With the temperatures dropping (it is that time of year again), Doctor Flue, inc. ® would like to remind you to prepare your fireplace prior to use. Check the quality of your wood (or gas line connections), the integrity of your flue system, and educate children on safety during operation.

Tips to Safe Burning Season

If you take nothing else away from this article, remember these two tips:

Tip #1 – Choose the Right Wood

The best wood to burn would be seasoned, untreated, dry wood. Up to 50% of the weight of green wood can be moisture, which has to be burned off before heat can be released into your house. Seasoned wood burns hotter and more efficiently, and helps decrease the amount of creosote buildup in your flue. This ultimately saves you money on annual maintenance to prepare your fireplace.

Tip #2 – Build Small Fires

Make your fires small and hot. This burns volatile gases more quickly, producing fewer safety hazards and air quality problems than a fire that is over-damped. Smaller, hotter fires mean more frequent loading and tending. The improved efficiency and air quality are worth the effort.

Steps to Prepare Your Fireplace

Having your flue evaluated in the spring after you are finished burning also prepare your fireplace for the winter, without having to wait weeks for an appointment after it gets cold.

Step #1 – Annual Cleaning

Prior to burning, you should complete your annual cleaning & inspection of your flue system. Most homeowners will have this completed after the burning season (when they are finished using it in the spring) in order to eliminate creosote smells in the summer from the humidity. Remember that once you are a customer of Doctor Flue, inc. ®, you will receive a loyal customer discount on this annual cleaning when you complete it in the spring/early summer.

Step #2 – Safety Planning

It is always a good idea to have a safety plan in place in case of emergency. Create an emergency exit plan. Develop it with the members of your family and practice, practice, practice! Make sure each member of your family understands what to do in case of an emergency (such as a home fire) and knows the exit routes from each room of the home. Don’t forget to designate a meeting place outside of the home.

This is a frightening topic and might make you or your family uneasy to discuss. However, knowing that you have a plan in place can give you  comfort. Remember that nothing is more important than the safety and security of you and your family.

We wish you and your family a safe, warm and happy winter season!

Call Doctor Flue!

With cold weather just around the corner, now is the perfect time to prepare your fireplace and complete your annual chimney inspectionContact us today so your fireplace or stove is ready to burn your stack of firewood this season.

Call Us: 1-800-438-3583


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