It’s Chimney Safety Week: September 30 – October 6

Doctor Flue van in Fall for Chimney Safety week

This week is Chimney Safety Week! Temperatures are dropping as winter approaches, which means you’re nearing that very first fire of the season. Take this opportunity to consider the importance of chimney and fireplace safety before the chill creeps in!

Read this quick guide to make sure you’re ready for winter!

Schedule a Chimney Inspection

When it comes to chimney safety, a chimney inspection is a critical step that can’t be skipped. The National Fire Protection Association recommends an inspection at least once per year!

A chimney inspection done by professionals is far more than any homeowner can perform themselves. At Doctor Flue, we use specialized tools like video inspection equipment to check over every inch of your chimney and appliance.

Our inspections can help identify or prevent:

Don’t wait until the first freeze – contact us today to schedule your inspection.

Be Informed About Chimney Fires

One of the biggest dangers of any fireplace is the potential for a chimney fire. While not every chimney fire causes catastrophic damage, they can – including burning down your entire home. And they’re more common than you might think! Over 20,000 chimney fires happen every year.

One of the biggest risks of a chimney fire is that they can happen without you even noticing until it’s spread. Chimneys that have breaches or interior damage deep into the flue are impossible for a homeowner to spot, making regular inspections important.

CSIA Certified – Know the Difference

Planning to schedule your inspection? Make sure you hire a certified professional! The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to education and training for chimney professionals to prevent damage and danger from fireplaces, chimneys and other similar appliances.

Doctor Flue is staffed with CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps to perform your inspection and any needed cleaning or repairs.

Celebrate Chimney Safety Week – Protect Your Home!

Fall is a perfect time to have your chimney inspected and cleaned. Contact us today! We’ll get you set up right away so you can have peace of mind.

Call Us: 1-800-438-3583

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Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 8am-4pm

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