Author Archives: Doctor Flue

The Great Debate: Do Creosote Sweeping Logs Work?

How well do creosote sweeping logs actually work? It sounds like a cheap and easy fix: Simply burn a creosote sweeping log in your wood-burning fireplace or woodstove and your creosote worries will be gone in minutes. But do creosote sweeping logs work like they claim? The answer is yes … and no. Wood-burning fireplaces are […]

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Celebrating Our 30th Year in Serving Your Friends and Family

In October of 1986, a young, entrepreneurial couple decided to venture into the chimney industry.  After answering an ad in “Popular Science” magazine for a chimney sweep start-up kit, Kevon “Doc” Binder obtained information and began his journey into the chimney industry. Armed with nothing but ambition, work ethic and the knowledge gained from manuals, […]

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How to Safely Extinguish a Fire in a Wood Burning Fireplace

We’ve all been there: we’ve got a lovely fire burning in the fireplace, ready to settle in and enjoy the cozy warmth, when something comes up and suddenly we need to leave the house unexpectedly. As responsible fireplace owners, we know that we can’t leave the fire going, and we want to make sure that […]

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Christmas Mantel Decorations Done Three Ways

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Time for joy, giving, laughter and happiness with loved ones, and bringing holiday cheer into your home with beautiful Christmas decorations. When it comes time to decorate your home for the holiday, don’t overlook a very important area: your fireplace mantel. Decorating your mantel for Christmas is […]

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Your Most Frequently Asked Chimney and Fireplace Questions Answered!

As the cold weather settles in for the long haul, daily fireplace usage is quickly becoming the norm. But with regular fireplace usage comes safety, maintenance, and installation questions. You talked, we listened, and Doctor Flue is here to help! We’ve answered some of your most commonly asked chimney and fireplace questions that will help […]

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5 Pre-Inspection Chimney Tips for a Safe Holiday Season

It is that time of year again when the weather turns chilly, and you’re probably spending most of your time indoors. If you’re fortunate enough to have a fireplace in your home, then you know just how cozy and warm it can keep you when the winter weather hits. Fireplaces are also the perfect place […]

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Halloween Decoration Ideas for Your Fireplace

It’s the most spooktacular time of year, especially when it comes to decorating. As you hang your spiders, witches, and monsters and carve your jack o lanterns, don’t forget one of the most underused holiday decorating spaces – your fireplace mantel! We’ve got five simple Halloween fireplace decorations style ideas that you can easily use […]

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It’s Fall! Time for Your Annual Cleaning and Inspection

Fall is here and with it comes some of our favorite things-fuzzy sweaters, hot apple cider, Halloween, beautiful leaves on the trees, and warm and cozy evenings spent by the fireplace. However, before you light that first fire, you need to have your fireplace professionally cleaned and inspected to ensure your safety during the colder […]

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Chimneys 101: Masonry vs. Pre-Fabricated Fireplaces

If you’re like most of us, you probably find the experience of sitting around and gazing into a fire mesmerizing, mysterious, and quite pleasurable. People have been enjoying this experience for as long as we’ve had the ability to harness fire. What started off in ancient times as fire pits have undergone quite an evolution. […]

Posted in Chimney Inspection, Chimney Repair, Chimney Services, Fireplaces | 4 Comments

What’s That Chattering Sound? The Truth about Chimney Swifts

Have you ever tried to wrangle raccoons out of a chimney? Hopefully you haven’t had to do that, but for professional chimney sweeps it’s not an unusual thing. Raccoons, squirrels, bats, and birds are among the many different types of critters that find their way into your chimney. But, there’s one bird in particular that […]

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