Category Archives: Tips & Safety

It’s Fall! Time for Your Annual Cleaning and Inspection

Fall is here and with it comes some of our favorite things-fuzzy sweaters, hot apple cider, Halloween, beautiful leaves on the trees, and warm and cozy evenings spent by the fireplace. However, before you light that first fire, you need to have your fireplace professionally cleaned and inspected to ensure your safety during the colder […]

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Outdoor Fireplace Safety Tips

There’s nothing quite like enjoying a nice outdoor fire in the summer. Talking and laughing with friends, roasting marshmallows, and enjoying the night sky by firelight are all part of the lazy joys of summer.  It’s important to note that outdoor fireplaces need just as much care and attention to be safe as indoor fireplaces.  […]

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Dos & Dont’s for Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

According to a study by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, carbon monoxide poisoning is the leading cause of unintentional poisoning illnesses and deaths in the United States. This dangerous gas is also responsible for 15,000 emergency room visits and 500 deaths annually. Fortunately, preventing carbon monoxide poisoning is relatively simple if you follow our convenient […]

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Summertime Fireplace Maintenance Tips

The summer months bring the sun, outdoor activities, and balmy temperatures. The last thing a homeowner thinks about during hot summer days is their fireplaces, but the decline in regular use makes summer the perfect time of year for fireplace upkeep and improvements. Here at Doctor Flue, we know fireplaces! We’ve got some great tips […]

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Protect Your Home: Everything You Need to Know About Chimney Thimbles

If you’ve ever done a major remodel of a historical home, you might have encountered some strange things; secret passageways, hidden rooms, or a walled-off staircase. One of the most common discoveries that historical homeowners often come across is a chimney thimble port; a circular hole in the wall used to house a thimble. The […]

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How to Clean a Stained Brick Fireplace

We have a lot of clients who ask us what to do about the black, soot-stained brick surface near their fireplace. If you have a masonry fireplace with a brick or stone face in your home, this blog is for you! Black, stained brick is often seen above the opening of the fireplace. This staining […]

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Doctor Flue’s Top Christmas Fire Safety Tips

With Christmas just around the corner, you will probably be spending a lot of time with your family by the fireplace. Whether you’re opening presents on Christmas morning or relaxing next to a warm fire, it’s important to keep safety in mind. Doctor Flue has put together some Christmas fire safety tips to keep you […]

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Everything You Need to Know About Fireplace Damper Operation

Many of our clients ask us about the chain, or handle, hanging down in their fireplace. In most masonry fireplaces, that thing you see dangling from the chimney is a damper handle or chains used to operate the damper mechanism. Here’s a look at the most common fireplace damper operation mechanisms currently used in United […]

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Chimney Efflorescence: The White Residue on Your Chimney

If you’ve ever noticed a white residue accumulating on your brick chimney, you may not have thought much about it. However, this white staining, called chimney efflorescence, can become very problematic if left unchecked. What Causes Chimney Efflorescence? Efflorescence accumulates on a masonry structure as a result of moisture passing through the chimney, dissolving the […]

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Painting a Chimney Can Do More Harm Than Good

Painting the exterior of a home is not easy work. Whether you’ve hired a professional painter or are taking the DIY route, it’s important to have a plan in place, and that plan should include what parts of the home are to be painted. Here at Doctor Flue, some of our customers have asked us […]

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