Fireplace & Chimney Cleaning Services in Findlay
Findlay is known as Flag City USA. Beginning in the 1960s, Findlay residents have shown their patriotism by flying the flag proudly. Doctor Flue believes in only providing services to be proud of and brings the residents of Findlay outstanding customer service and knowledgeable technicians, offering the latest in modern chimney inspection services.
Innovative and Focused on the Future
In 2017, Findlay, Ohio has been ranked for the fourth consecutive year as the top micropolitan community in the U.S. for new and expanding facilities by Site Selection magazine. The forward-thinkers of Findlay create a pro-business environment that drives the economy into the future.
Doctor Flue's CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps are also focused on the future, using innovative video technology to see the interior of your chimney to identify risks and stop a chimney fire before it starts!
We offer:
- Chimney inspections for home sales and transfers
- New appliance installations
- Insurance inspections
- Water damage evaluation and repairs
- Masonry repairs
All inspections are fully documented with photos and video offering you peace of mind.
Want to learn more about our video inspection services? Check out our blog article, Why You Need a Chimney Video Scan.
Schedule your video inspection today!
Doctor Flue is Dayton's choice for premium chimney and fireplace inspection services. We offer chimney inspections, cleanings, caps, chase covers, crowns, relining, repair, fireplace installation and more.
Schedule a Video Inspection Today!
Doctor Flue is Dayton's choice for premium chimney and fireplace inspection services. We offer chimney inspections, cleanings, caps, chase covers, crowns, relining, repair, fireplace installation and more.
- Call Us: 800-438-3583
- Email Us: office@drflue.com
- Request a Quote Online